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Expert Lecture on Mental Health and Stress Management at Nirma University

Engaging Expert Lecture on Mental Health and Stress Management at Nirma University

The Institute of Pharmacy, Nirma University, successfully organized an enlightening and interactive expert lecture on Mental Health and Stress Management on December 24, 2024, under the aegis of the Undergraduate Research Council (UGRC).

The session was conducted by the esteemed Dr. Heena Rachh, Founder and Director of Dr. Heena’s Finishing School. Dr. Rachh shared valuable insights on the significance of mental well-being and provided practical strategies for managing stress effectively, emphasizing its importance in both academic and personal spheres.

The session also featured hands-on demonstrations of stress-relief exercises, making it an engaging and impactful experience. UGRC students actively participated, learning tools and techniques to cultivate a healthy and resilient mindset amidst their demanding academic schedules.

This expertly curated session was a perfect blend of knowledge and practical application, leaving students inspired and better equipped to prioritize their mental health.

#MentalHealth #StressManagement #UGRC #NirmaUniversity #InteractiveSession