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  •   Oral cancer is rapidly rising in India and ranks first in terms of number of cases in men.
Date : 22/04/2024
  • It is rightly said that “When everything feels like an uphill struggle, think about the view from the top”-
Date : 07/07/2022
  • The contribution of Pharmacy profession in COVID 19 pandemic The emerging pandemic situation of COVID 19 have the potential
Date : 03/05/2021
  • The root of radiation is nearly as ancient as the history of the creation of matter. Although the radiation
Date : 30/04/2021
  • Medicinal products are launched into the market after having tested their efficacy during clinical trials. Starting from preclinical studies
Date : 30/04/2021
  • The growth of research and innovations in the area of small molecules is stagnant now, so researchers have revived
Date : 19/04/2021
  • Camphor (Cinnamomum camphora) which is obtained from the wood of camphor tree, has been used for centuries and throughout
Date : 31/03/2021
  • With the advancement of technology, humans’ aspiration, and quest to explore deep space are on the rise. Today, various
Date : 23/03/2021
  • In this era of rapid spread of coronavirus, it has become a world-wide public health challenge. A severe pneumonia-associated
Date : 10/06/2020